Sunday, December 26, 2010

Onward We go...

Looking forward to what the New Year
has to offer.  I guess more importantly, what I have to
offer to the New Year and this new venture/partnership
we got going on.  Ready for the challenges and the
road bumps, ready for what may come.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Seasons Greetings

M  R  R  Y  *  C  H  R  I  S  T  M  A  S
R  Y  O  N  E  !

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry, Merry and Happy, Happy

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you for all the support and for giving us a chance.

Thank you to the Bayanihan Center and Ms. Angelica for the Tiangge sa Soma.
Thank you the Madrone Bar and Ms. Camille for the Madrone Pop-Up Shop.

Hopefully we can keep this going.  We've been getting some really good responses and it's all very encouraging and wonderful. 
We love the suggestions and are looking forward to more pics from people for our Sariwa ba? page.
Please send them in when you can:

Special Thank you to Ms. Mimi for our sale of a Sariwa original.  I hope your Aunt enjoys it.
Hope to see you in the New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you - Madrone

It was storming, but those of you that could, we appreciate you all coming by.  The friendly faces and awesome treats more than soothe the stomach. 
As always, the support is great and is greatly humbling an experience.  Good enough to keep going and keep doing more...better this Sunday than the 1st time.
It's very enouraging.  Thank you all...and see you in the Spring time.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

On to the next one...

You are cordially invited...
Sunday, Dec 19th, 2010 from 1pm to 8pm
500 Divisadero St @ Fell in the City
Come by,
Say hi,
Let us know what you think.
And may be if you see something
for someone...

Friday, December 3, 2010


We have arrived-ded.  Doesn't make sense, but if you said it with a Filipino accent it does (at least it does to me)...and we are here.  Last night was rough, but a lot of fun. 
Much respect to those who sell their art for a living.  That's hard work.  Definitely Love of Labor.  Not for the thin-skinned.  And I am very much humbled by the whole process.  It takes a lot to get started and it takes a lot to keep it going. 
It was great to be back in the old neighborhood too.  Funny how everything comes back full circle.  I can't say I missed the smell, but the people are something else.
I have some pics of the Soma event under Tiannge.  Thank you for the support and love and to everyone that was able to come thank you again.  And if we didn't see you last night, may be the next fair...Sunday, Dec 19th...1pm to 8pm...Madrone Art Bar 500 Divisadero St , San Francisco

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Are we there yet?
I guess only tomorrow will tell.  I found out the other hard thing about doing something...and that's getting judged.  How will we be received?  Will we sell anything?  Will people like what we have to offer?
The fear comes from not knowing...but you'll never know until you make and go and do and get ready to be rejected, right? 
                    "Hope for the best, expect the worse." 
That's a horrible way to look at life, no? 
Yes it is..better to just make and go I are world.
                        "Love me or leave me alone!"
Will be posting photos tomorrow.